John McDonough
Standing in Ramsey
Candidate Details

Age: | 44 |
Maritial Status: | Married |
Place of Birth: | Liverpool |
Childern: | 6 year old Son |
Occupation: |
5 Greenlands View
Isle of Man
Contact Details
Tel | 816552 / 481518 |
Fax | Civil Servant | | |
Website |
Political History
Unsuccessful candidate in last local election for Ramsey.
Candidate Views
What is your view on health care provision on the Island?
National Health dental treatment should be available to all, poor oral health can create greater problems in the future. We should concentrate on recruiting and consulting the health staff involved directly with the patients and wards, not managers.We should be wary of treating those suffering from alcohol and drug dependency, to the detriment of other patients.
Does the Island provide a good education?
Yes, but I feel input from potential employers from year 10 onwards, could help to produce more marketable students.
Should the Island be independent?
No,I feel the cost and administration involved, exceeds the benefits of remaining a crown dependency.
What are your views on the islands taxation regime and VAT?
We should have a stronger voice re the VAT agreement, or maybe consider our own VAT regime?
Is inflation hurting the Isle of Man?
Yes,but not only the Island.
Should there be state owned monopolies or free market competition (i.e. Water, Post, Gas, Electricity, Telecom's, Ferry Travel etc..)?
No, there isn't the demand for several utility providers. I do think the user agreement for the linkspan needs looking at.
Should we have an open seas policy like the open sky's policy?
Not as such, but we could seek expressions of interest from ferry companies.
Does the Island do enough to protect its environment?
No, littering and dog-fouling go unpunished, everybody should appreciate how unacceptable it is. We should not risk the beauty of our countryside to appease the motor-sport fraternity.
Where do you see the future of the Islands economy (i.e. Finance, Manufacturing, Service, Tourism, Film, Space etc)?
Given the wide variety of expertise already here, we should try and encourage research and development institutes to the Island. People are always looking to enhance and improve things. However,we should be very wary of neglecting our traditional industries in the pursuit of new ones. We should test the water with new ventures, before over-committing our finances.
Where do you think new jobs can be generated?
Better marketing of the Island would bring the industries and therefore the jobs.
Should the Chief Minister and MLC's be publicly elected?
Yes, let's show we know the true meaning of democracy.
Details will appear here.
Details will appear here.