Laurence Skelly
Standing in Rushen
Candidate Details

Age: | 49 |
Maritial Status: | Married |
Place of Birth: | Douglas |
Childern: | 2 (17 & 14) |
Occupation: | Self-employed - Wholesaler & Event Manager |
Glenlea House,
Truggan Road,
Contact Details
Tel | 01624 833178 |
Fax | | | |
Website | |
Political History
Candidate Views
What is your view on health care provision on the Island?
On the whole provision is excellent. There are two issues that I have identified that needs addressing. The length of waiting lists - we must do better. The other bigger matter is providing equal care for our elderly. Current system where some people have to pay for care is a stealth form of inheritance tax and morally wrong. As a caring society we must endeavour to balance and offer equal care for all without penalty of holding assets.
Does the Island provide a good education?
Yes and its important we maintain support in this area including further education both academically and vocationally. Investing in our youth is investing in our future.
Should the Island be independent?
It's time to review our relationship with the UK. Been over 10 years since we last reviewed and much has changed both politically and economically. We must update with a comprehensive and independent report on all constitutional options so we may examine what is in the best interests of the Isle of Man and people who live here.
What are your views on the islands taxation regime and VAT?
As part of the above review we must conduct a full economic impact study on our taxation system. Including a potential VAT parity arrangement with UK to ensure all IOM trading companies pay VAT on IOM.
Is inflation hurting the Isle of Man?
Absolutely. Man/woman in the street is feeling the pinch. Pay freezes, reduced business opportunities and stagnated house prices with increased prices for energy and food prices. People are living of the same income as 5 years ago with increase costs.
Should there be state owned monopolies or free market competition (i.e. Water, Post, Gas, Electricity, Telecom's, Ferry Travel etc..)?
Scope and Structure report reopened and updated. There were several areas identified as potential cost savings by reducing the scope of government and this must be examined.
Should we have an open seas policy like the open sky's policy?
We need a consistent well-regulated policy for both air and sea links. The main purpose being that the regulation protects the interests of the Island.
Does the Island do enough to protect its environment?
It meets a reasonable level compared with other nations but can always do more. I believe we need an Energy & Natural Resources Division so government can make a greater commitment to this important area and also aim to reduce our dependency on imported energy, currently 95%.
Where do you see the future of the Islands economy (i.e. Finance, Manufacturing, Service, Tourism, Film, Space etc)?
Diversification must be a priority. Our success in various areas can be built upon by creating an enterprise zone to attract more and new industry to the Island. Equally I believe we must form a strategy to help our finance sector dispel the negative "tax haven" label. Government led initiative to create an International Centre for Social Finance can pay dividends in many ways. This new growing global industry is founded on managing money that delivers a profit whilst returning social benefit. Sustainable and ethical investment. Social Finance on the Isle of Man. Creating a Manx National Savings Bond can help our economy by encouraging people to invest in the Isle of Man and not the UK.
Where do you think new jobs can be generated?
As stated above an Enterprise Zone is a perfect vehicle for job creation. Attracting industries like the renewables, digital, clean-tech and new-age manufacturing are jobs of the future and can be a resource for the Island.
Should the Chief Minister and MLC's be publicly elected?
Not convinced CM should be publicly elected. An open debate needs to be aired so the people can understand the policies and views of CM candidates. As it stands the people elect MHK's to make decisions on their behalf and for this I would vote for the CM who most aligns their policy and views with my manifesto.
Not necessary to publicly elect MLC's. Return them to primary function, reduce responsibility and subsequent pay then a different MLC will be required and public perception might change.
Details will appear here.
Twitter Election Open House Sun 14th Aug, 630pm - 930pm. As an MHK candidate in Rushen please ask me any election questions #rushenelection